One row for fullness only. Perfect for someone trying to add in some thickness or someone looking to try out extensions to see what they are like! NOT for someone looking to add length.
Anywhere from $300-$500. This includes 3 hand-tied wefts.
Starting at $145.
Two rows for length + fullness. This is my most popular with my current extension clients and perfect for someone looking for a pretty big change.
Anywhere from $545-$960. Includes 6 hand-tied wefts.
Starting at $290.
Three rows for the most length + fullness. This is typically for blending super thick hair or someone simply looking for a huge transformation with their current look.
Anywhere from $815-$1,500. Includes 9 hand-tied wefts.
Starting at $440.
The method that I got certified in has a row of beads that are carefully sewn into a sectioned out area of your hair, and the hand-tied wefts are then sewn on top of that. Depending on the amount of rows needed to be installed, this process can take anywhere from 1hr 1/2 - 3 hours.
I always have my new extension clients do their first move up at 6 weeks to ensure that everything is placed comfortably to the client.
Regular move ups are recommended every 6-10 weeks to keep the condition of the clients scalp healthy, along with proper weft care.
Anywhere from 9-12 months with proper care.
I highly encourage all of my clients to use sulfate + paragon free shampoo/conditioner to ensure the longevity of the wefts.
Yes! The extension hair is 100% human hair and can take heat the same way our hair can. With that being said, just make sure you are using proper heat protection!